All the exhibitions to see in Rome in January

Rome in January is very interesting, once the intense Christmas period is over you can rediscover a calmer Rome by walking through the alleys of the center or in the lively suburbs.

Here are some of the exhibitions to see in Rome this January:

The Roman Domus of Palazzo Valentini are reborn with a technological restoration of the immersive path

Until 2004, an important archaeological area of ​​over 1800 square meters lay hidden in the basement of Palazzo Valentini, testimony to Rome’s incessant ability to reserve surprises of inestimable value. Almost twenty years later, the archaeological area of ​​the Domus Romane of Palazzo Valentini, located in via Foro Traiano 84, confirms its attractiveness for the numerous local and foreign visitors who flock to its spaces every day.
Today, thanks to a public-private partnership agreement between the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital and Civita Mostre e Musei, the area has undergone a technological restoration of the original immersive/multimedia project conceived by Piero Angela and Paco Lanciano. This initiative, which constitutes one of the most important partnerships in the cultural field in Italy, has fully preserved the narrative and dissemination intentions of the well-known scientific journalist who passed away in 2022, improving and enhancing the immersive, multimedia and technological capabilities of the visit experience.


Phidias at Palazzo Caffarilli

The first monographic exhibition dedicated to the greatest sculptor of the classical age. An extraordinary journey into the life and activity of the artist, with over 100 works, some exhibited for the first time, including archaeological finds, paintings, manuscripts, drawings, multimedia installations.


Pygmalion’s touch. Rubens and sculpture in Rome

Until February 18th it is possible to see the exhibition The Touch of Pygmalion. Rubens and sculpture in Rome, curated by Francesca Cappelletti and Lucia Simonato, the Borghese Gallery inaugurates the second stage of RUBENS! The birth of a European painting, a large project created in collaboration with the Palazzo Te Foundation and Palazzo Ducale of Mantua which tells the relationship between Italian culture and Europe through the eyes of the Master of Baroque painting, and is also part of a more the Gallery’s extensive research dedicated to the moments in which Rome was, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, a cosmopolitan city.


The vaults of the Borghese Gallery

Once upon a time is a new in-depth itinerary of the Borghese Gallery, conducted by the museum staff and dedicated to the cycle of vaults painted from Friday 15 December 2023 to Friday 9 February 2024.
The initiative was created to enhance the extraordinary redevelopment work of the villa promoted by Prince Marcantonio IV Borghese at the end of the eighteenth century (1770-1800). An extraordinary, little-known work that saw a radical renovation of the building and updating of the internal decoration.


Giorgio de Chirico

Rome was a key city in the life of the Pictor optimus: here he studied the ancient ruins, was fascinated by Raphael’s School of Athens in the Vatican Rooms and explored aspects of his metaphysical painting. He moved there permanently in 1944 and from 1948 he settled with his wife in the house-studio in Piazza di Spagna – now the Giorgio and Isa de Chirico Foundation – thus gaining a strategic position in the artistic heart of the city, with the ateliers in via Margutta and via del Babuino, Caffè Greco in via Condotti and Caffè Aragno in via del Corso.
On display is a selection of over thirty works – including painting, sculpture and drawing – from the early twentieth century to the seventies, which shows almost the entirety of the production phases and themes addressed by the artist.


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