An extensive program of events in every municipality of the city. The Capital is transformed into a large stage with screenings, shows, performances, meetings, guided tours, activities and workshops for all ages. This year too, Rome lights up with large outdoor cinema arenas, from the center to the outskirts

A single large stage that will turn the spotlight on the entire city. From today, 15 June, the Roman Summer 2024 begins, the traditional summer event promoted by the Department of Culture of Rome Capital, with the coordination of the Cultural Activities Department, in collaboration with Lea – Liberi Editori Autori and Siae and the services of communication by Zètema Progetto Cultura. Until October 15th, all 15 Roman municipalities will host film screenings, theater shows, performances, concerts, exhibitions, meetings, guided tours, workshops for children and teenagers and much more.

A broad program of events, from large festivals to small neighborhood events, will enliven many places in the city, from the center to the outskirts, thanks to the proposals of the Capitoline cultural institutions and the winning associations of the biennial public notice “Estate Romana 2023 -2024 ” and of “The live show outside the Center – Year 2024”, through which Roma Capitale has allocated approximately 2 million euros, funds granted by the Ministry of Culture, from the National Fund for Live Entertainment (Fnsv). New this year: the confirmation of the strategic partnership with Siae is accompanied by the collaboration with Lea – Liberi Editori Italiani.

The program will also be enriched with various projects that the Capitoline administration has recognized as particularly worthy of support due to their exceptional relevance in the cultural, artistic and creative fields.


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